

As a parent, you should have high expectations for quality pediatric care as your child grows from infancy into adolescence – and we enjoy meeting those expectations. You will find experience and compassion from our medical team, extra convenience with our onsite diagnostic center and a refreshing experience for your child as you wait in our sick or well “gardens”. We look forward to helping you raise healthy and happy children.

Pediatric Services:

Keeping kids healthy is our goal. And, helping them grow into whatever they want to be is a blessing. Cultivating a relationship with your child is what makes us so special.

Pediatric care at The Veranda spans from birth through adolescence. You will find that our pediatric specialists and providers are committed to delivering the best care to you and your family.

Our services include the following areas:

Questions & Answers

Besides getting a flu shot, what can I do to reduce my child’s chances of getting the flu?

You can still protect your child and yourself from the flu even if you are not vaccinated for this flu season, or if vaccine is not available.

The following steps can be taken to help prevent the flu:

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.
  • Clean your hands often to help protect you from germs.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • Practice good health habits. Get plenty of sleep, engage in physical activity, manage stress, drink water,
  • and eat balanced meals to help you stay healthy.
  • If you or your child does get the flu, protect others by staying home from work, school, or public events.

Does my child need immunizations even if I'm breastfeeding?

While breast milk is the best nutrition for your baby, it does not prevent infections the way vaccines do. Your child may have fewer colds, but breastfeeding does not protect against many serious illnesses such as whooping cough, polio, and diphtheria like immunizations do.

What is the incubation period for chickenpox?

The incubation period for chickenpox is 10 to 21 days, but symptoms most often appear 14 to 16 days after a child is exposed to the virus.

My child has strep throat. How long should I keep him home from school?

Your child should be fine to return to school after 24 hours of antibiotic treatment and no fever for 24 hours.

If my child has been diagnosed with pinkeye, when is he most contagious?

Depending upon the cause of pinkeye, or conjunctivitis, he can be contagious up to 2 weeks.

How long does it take for symptoms of mononucleosis to appear after my child has been exposed to it?

The incubation period for mononucleosis is 4 to 7 weeks.

Is it safe to immunize my child if he has a cold or fever?

A child with a minor illness can safely be immunized.

Minor illnesses include the following:

  • Low-grade fever
  • Ear infection
  • Cough
  • Runny nose
  • Mild diarrhea in an otherwise healthy child

Is it true that the DTP vaccine can cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)?

There is no scientific evidence that links the DTaP or DTP shot with SIDS. This myth continues because the first dose is given at 2 months of age, when the risk of SIDS is greatest.

However, there is no significant reason to believe that these events are connected.

Why does my child still need to be vaccinated if the diseases have been virtually eliminated from the United States?

Without immunizations at the right times, your child can still catch infectious diseases that may cause high fever, coughing, choking, breathing problems, and even brain injury. These illnesses can cause deafness, blindness or paralysis.

How do I know if my child is too sick for school?

The main reasons for keeping your child home are:

  • He/she too sick to be comfortable at school.
  • He/she might spread a contagious disease to other children.

As a rule of thumb, a child should stay home if he/she has:

  • A fever higher than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Vomited more than once
  • Diarrhea
  • A very, frequent cough
  • Persistent pain (ear, stomach, etc.)
  • A widespread rash